Contact Landlords Tax Services for a no obligation chat about your UK property tax compliance obligations for UK and non-resident landlords.
Tax returns for the UK property landlord. Making UK tax easy for property owners. Whether you are a UK landlord or a non-resident landlord, Landlords Tax Services provide a complete property tax service which ensures your UK tax affairs are dealt with on time and worry-free. We do it all online and for a fixed fee. No surprises. No stress. Landlords Tax Services offer the easy, professional way to deal with the UK tax obligations of landlords. UK property tax laws are ever-changing and, with more and more people becoming investors and landlords of properties in the UK, Landlords Tax Services have created an easy to use service aimed at providing new or experienced landlords with an efficient system to fulfil their UK property tax needs. Tax Returns for landlords of UK property: the complete tax service for residential property landlords. Our UK based landlord tax accountants can help you comply with UK property tax laws wherever you are in the world. We provide an online, fixed fee property tax service that ensures that the UK tax liability of landlords is kept to a minimum. Our mission is to deal with all our clients’ tax affairs on time and with no stress.
Owners of UK rental property who live outside the UK are obliged to register for UK taxes whether any tax is due or not. The UK has Tax Treaties with over 130 other countries. These treaties generally include sections designed to prevent the same income being taxed twice. Usually the UK will tax UK rental income first and the other country will allow you to deduct the UK tax from the local tax up to an amount equal to the local tax. Tax returns for the UK property landlord. British and EEA citizens living anywhere in the world, along with many other people living in the country of which they are citizens, are entitled to the UK “Personal Allowance”, a £0% rate band that means the first £12,570 of profit from rental may be free of tax in the UK, and profits between £12,570 and £50,270 are taxed at 20%. Higher rates apply to UK income in excess of £50,270 (2024-25 rates).
Landlords Tax Services: what we do, becoming a client, your records, our fees
What we do
UK property tax laws are ever-changing and with more and more people becoming landlords of properties in the UK, Landlord Tax Services Ltd have created a hassle-free service aimed at providing new or experienced landlords with an efficient system to fulfil their UK property tax liabilities. With over 20 years‘ experience in working with landlords, both UK resident and those living overseas, we have built up a client base that trusts us […]
Landlords Tax Services: what we do, becoming a client, your records, our fees
Becoming a client
Complete and sign our simple Engagement Letter. If joint owners are both asking us to act for them, then it helps if they use the same letter. If you have an overseas Company then you can use the same letter but please sign the Engagement Letter as a Director on behalf of the Company. If you have a UK Company, please contact us. Finally scan the signed letter and email it back to us. Please keep the original as it will be needed later […]
Landlords Tax Services: what we do, becoming a client, your records, our fees
Your records
There are three reasons why you should keep records. First, it will tell you what is profitable and what is not (and by how much), and second it will provide us with the information we need to prepare your accounts and deal with your tax. However the third reason for keeping records is because they are required by law. Records of all information used to complete Tax Returns must be kept for 22 months after the end of the tax year, or for […]
Landlords Tax Services: what we do, becoming a client, your records, our fees
Our fees
We undertake to prepare the UK Income Tax Returns of UK landlords and landlords resident outside the UK (also known as non-resident landlords) from the information supplied by the lettings agent, and by the client himself/herself. We rely upon the information being provided to us being complete, accurate and timely in its submission. We cannot be held responsible for the consequences of inaccurate, incomplete or […]